TLS update uploaded
on January 23rd
added year-end
ratings and
championship matches.

TLS uses all of a player's league results to create
a rating for the player based on the NTRP rating
* Rating lists by area and facility.
* Ratings for each of a player's matches.
* Section and national team rankings.
* Team scouting pages.
* Yearly historical summary of a player's league play.
* Follow TLS Tennis League Stats on Facebook.
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Team Scouting Report
(As Of 01/23/2023)
Section - Southern
Area - NC - Lake Norman
League - 2022 Lake Combo Doubles 18 & Over
Flight - Women 6.5
Subflight - W 6.5 Friday AM
LBKU-Kumar/PAC 6.5
League Record: 1 - 3
The Following Have Played In League Matches On This Team (In Rating Order)
Kim Ribbans - 3.11
Becky Kumar - 3.05
Marsha Wall - 3.03
Arlene Chapman - 3.00
Amy Clement - 2.95
Mirjana Milcic - 2.73
Jane Crock - 2.71
Marcia Hostetler - 2.57
Amy Hutchinson - 2.53
Sayra Brynn - 2.30
Betina Philip - 2.24
Karen Pippin - 2.22
Margie Walden - n/a
League Results By Position
1D 2D 3D
Arlene Chapman - 3.00 & Karen Pippin - 2.22 0 - 1
Amy Hutchinson - 2.53 & Amy Clement - 2.95 0 - 1
Amy Hutchinson - 2.53 & Margie Walden - n/a 0 - 1
Amy Clement - 2.95 & Mirjana Milcic - 2.73 0 - 1
Sayra Brynn - 2.30 & Margie Walden - n/a 0 - 1
Marcia Hostetler - 2.57 & Becky Kumar - 3.05 0 - 1
Marsha Wall - 3.03 & Mirjana Milcic - 2.73 1 - 0
Becky Kumar - 3.05 & Karen Pippin - 2.22 1 - 0
Becky Kumar - 3.05 & Betina Philip - 2.24 0 - 1
Kim Ribbans - 3.11 & Mirjana Milcic - 2.73 1 - 0
Kim Ribbans - 3.11 & Sayra Brynn - 2.30 0 - 1
Jane Crock - 2.71 & Arlene Chapman - 3.00 1 - 0
League Record: 3 - 1
The Following Have Played In League Matches On This Team (In Rating Order)
MaryGwen Murash - 3.29
Kimberly Sheheen - 3.28
Llnon North - 3.20
Carrie Blackwell - 3.18
Renee Sica - 3.16
kim heilman - 3.10
allison nelin - 2.89
Erin Finn - 2.76
Cindy Smithy - 2.75
Alison Cooper - 2.75
Ann Baker - 2.71
Robin Bitterlin - 2.67
League Results By Position
1D 2D 3D
kim heilman - 3.10 & Robin Bitterlin - 2.67 1 - 0
Carrie Blackwell - 3.18 & Cindy Smithy - 2.75 0 - 1
Carrie Blackwell - 3.18 & Ann Baker - 2.71 1 - 0
Cindy Smithy - 2.75 & Kimberly Sheheen - 3.28 1 - 0 1 - 0
Kimberly Sheheen - 3.28 & allison nelin - 2.89 1 - 0
Erin Finn - 2.76 & Ann Baker - 2.71 1 - 0
Erin Finn - 2.76 & Robin Bitterlin - 2.67 0 - 1
MaryGwen Murash - 3.29 & Alison Cooper - 2.75 2 - 0
Ann Baker - 2.71 & Renee Sica - 3.16 1 - 0
Llnon North - 3.20 & allison nelin - 2.89 0 - 1
LWGO-Goodwin/6.5 Fri 18
League Record: 1 - 4
The Following Have Played In League Matches On This Team (In Rating Order)
Cindy Japec - 3.15
Teri Deuel - 3.10
Margaret Dittemore - 3.07
Marilyn Bowker - 3.05
Anette Solmaz - 3.01
Jennifer Arko - 2.81
Arlene Ireland - 2.77
Tammy Fisher - 2.63
Wendy Goodwin - 2.60
Patricia Starnes - 2.57
Leigh Maples - 2.55
League Results By Position
1D 2D 3D
Anette Solmaz - 3.01 & Patricia Starnes - 2.57 1 - 1
Anette Solmaz - 3.01 & Tammy Fisher - 2.63 0 - 1
Cindy Japec - 3.15 & Arlene Ireland - 2.77 0 - 1
Cindy Japec - 3.15 & Jennifer Arko - 2.81 2 - 1
Teri Deuel - 3.10 & Arlene Ireland - 2.77 0 - 1
Margaret Dittemore - 3.07 & Tammy Fisher - 2.63 0 - 1
Marilyn Bowker - 3.05 & Wendy Goodwin - 2.60 0 - 1
Leigh Maples - 2.55 & Patricia Starnes - 2.57 0 - 1
Leigh Maples - 2.55 & Margaret Dittemore - 3.07 0 - 1
Wendy Goodwin - 2.60 & Margaret Dittemore - 3.07 0 - 1 1 - 1
League Record: 1 - 3
The Following Have Played In League Matches On This Team (In Rating Order)
Linda Fogel - 3.12
Julia Mueller - 3.08
Susan Rasbornik - 2.96
Shelly McCue - 2.85
Louisa Dow - 2.81
Katherine Karnatz - 2.80
Bethany Barber - 2.80
Denise Takes - 2.74
Amy Dunn - 2.73
Brenda Kadlecik - 2.67
League Results By Position
1D 2D 3D
Louisa Dow - 2.81 & Susan Rasbornik - 2.96 0 - 1
Louisa Dow - 2.81 & Linda Fogel - 3.12 0 - 1
Susan Rasbornik - 2.96 & Shelly McCue - 2.85 0 - 1
Linda Fogel - 3.12 & Katherine Karnatz - 2.80 1 - 1
Julia Mueller - 3.08 & Denise Takes - 2.74 0 - 1
Julia Mueller - 3.08 & Shelly McCue - 2.85 0 - 1
Denise Takes - 2.74 & Shelly McCue - 2.85 1 - 0
Brenda Kadlecik - 2.67 & Bethany Barber - 2.80 2 - 1
Bethany Barber - 2.80 & Amy Dunn - 2.73 0 - 1
League Record: 3 - 2
The Following Have Played In League Matches On This Team (In Rating Order)
Kari Comadoll - 3.51
Melissa shipman - 3.37
Lane Wallace - 3.34
Andrea McRorie - 3.33
Liz Mcclain - 3.27
Carol Latimer - 2.99
Heather Hughes - 2.72
Heidi Poulton - 2.70
Kimberly Davis - 2.54
Stacy Jeter - n/a
Fran Misner - n/a
Beverly Dillard - n/a
Allison Ogden - n/a
League Results By Position
1D 2D 3D
Beverly Dillard - n/a & Heidi Poulton - 2.70 1 - 0
Andrea McRorie - 3.33 & Heather Hughes - 2.72 1 - 0
Andrea McRorie - 3.33 & Heidi Poulton - 2.70 0 - 1
Stacy Jeter - n/a & Kimberly Davis - 2.54 0 - 1
Heather Hughes - 2.72 & Allison Ogden - n/a 1 - 0
Heather Hughes - 2.72 & Liz Mcclain - 3.27 0 - 1 0 - 1
Kimberly Davis - 2.54 & Lane Wallace - 3.34 0 - 2
Heidi Poulton - 2.70 & Melissa shipman - 3.37 0 - 1
Lane Wallace - 3.34 & Fran Misner - n/a 1 - 0
Carol Latimer - 2.99 & Allison Ogden - n/a 1 - 0
Carol Latimer - 2.99 & Kari Comadoll - 3.51 3 - 0
League Record: 0 - 4
The Following Have Played In League Matches On This Team (In Rating Order)
Patricia Ferguson - 3.29
Coleen Foye - 3.29
Melinda Urban - 3.24
Whitney King - 3.13
Crystal Regan - 3.13
Katelyn Goodnough - 3.04
Shirley Pirkl - 2.85
Candace Newman - 2.77
Nicole Kayton - 2.73
Zahra Simonetti - 2.71
Sandra Stinson - 2.70
Kathleen Weisman - 2.64
Sheila Chast - 2.43
Connie Mathis - 2.16
League Results By Position
1D 2D 3D
Patricia Ferguson - 3.29 & Zahra Simonetti - 2.71 1 - 0
Kathleen Weisman - 2.64 & Coleen Foye - 3.29 0 - 1
Coleen Foye - 3.29 & Shirley Pirkl - 2.85 1 - 0
Candace Newman - 2.77 & Crystal Regan - 3.13 0 - 1
Crystal Regan - 3.13 & Connie Mathis - 2.16 0 - 1
Melinda Urban - 3.24 & Sheila Chast - 2.43 0 - 2
Sandra Stinson - 2.70 & Melinda Urban - 3.24 0 - 1
Sandra Stinson - 2.70 & Katelyn Goodnough - 3.04 0 - 1
Nicole Kayton - 2.73 & Coleen Foye - 3.29 0 - 1
Whitney King - 3.13 & Candace Newman - 2.77 0 - 1
Whitney King - 3.13 & Sheila Chast - 2.43 0 - 1
League Record: 4 - 0
The Following Have Played In League Matches On This Team (In Rating Order)
Jennife Roberts - 3.40
Meredith Ortiz - 3.32
Tess Levinson - 3.23
Terri Utz - 3.11
Amy Ward - 3.00
Julie Whittington - 2.92
Erin Macaulay - 2.87
Brooke Harris - 2.84
Nicole Biffle - 2.82
Kelly Grathwohl - 2.82
Bridgette Ashbrook - 2.77
Lauren Verlander - 2.73
Cara Stanford - 2.66
League Results By Position
1D 2D 3D
Bridgette Ashbrook - 2.77 & Amy Ward - 3.00 1 - 0
Lauren Verlander - 2.73 & Meredith Ortiz - 3.32 1 - 0
Cara Stanford - 2.66 & Terri Utz - 3.11 2 - 0
Terri Utz - 3.11 & Erin Macaulay - 2.87 0 - 1
Kelly Grathwohl - 2.82 & Tess Levinson - 3.23 1 - 0
Nicole Biffle - 2.82 & Brooke Harris - 2.84 1 - 0
Nicole Biffle - 2.82 & Meredith Ortiz - 3.32 0 - 1
Tess Levinson - 3.23 & Julie Whittington - 2.92 1 - 0
Brooke Harris - 2.84 & Amy Ward - 3.00 1 - 0
Jennife Roberts - 3.40 & Erin Macaulay - 2.87 1 - 0
Julie Whittington - 2.92 & Meredith Ortiz - 3.32 1 - 0
League Record: 4 - 1
The Following Have Played In League Matches On This Team (In Rating Order)
Jenny Yaudes - 3.29
Mary Kay Portaro - 3.28
Kelly Stamey - 3.28
Amy Light - 3.27
Sharon McAfee - 3.24
Andrea Griffin - 3.22
Jennifer Ross - 3.17
Alicia Bowman - 3.15
Cindy Long - 3.05
Christine Tattersfield - 3.02
Lisa Carlyle - 3.00
Kim Atkins - 2.98
Susan King - 2.91
Colleen Yura - 2.82
Katie Philpott - 2.67
League Results By Position
1D 2D 3D
Andrea Griffin - 3.22 & Christine Tattersfield - 3.02 1 - 0
Andrea Griffin - 3.22 & Jennifer Ross - 3.17 1 - 1
Alicia Bowman - 3.15 & Cindy Long - 3.05 1 - 0
Alicia Bowman - 3.15 & Katie Philpott - 2.67 1 - 0
Alicia Bowman - 3.15 & Lisa Carlyle - 3.00 1 - 0
Sharon McAfee - 3.24 & Colleen Yura - 2.82 0 - 1
Sharon McAfee - 3.24 & Cindy Long - 3.05 1 - 0
Colleen Yura - 2.82 & Mary Kay Portaro - 3.28 1 - 0
Jenny Yaudes - 3.29 & Christine Tattersfield - 3.02 0 - 1
Jenny Yaudes - 3.29 & Lisa Carlyle - 3.00 0 - 1
Amy Light - 3.27 & Susan King - 2.91 1 - 0
Amy Light - 3.27 & Jennifer Ross - 3.17 1 - 0
Kelly Stamey - 3.28 & Kim Atkins - 2.98 1 - 1
League Record: 2 - 1
The Following Have Played In League Matches On This Team (In Rating Order)
Keri Norcross - 3.33
Dawn Aldrich - 3.31
Megan Nordhagen - 3.30
Lisa Schacher - 3.30
Lesley Crabb - 2.92
Alix Bonnamour - 2.83
Jessica Babington - 2.73
Meghan Connolly - 2.70
Kristine Gates - 2.63
Kelly Camuti - 2.59
Aleah Wolfe - n/a
League Results By Position
1D 2D 3D
Kristine Gates - 2.63 & Keri Norcross - 3.33 0 - 1
Dawn Aldrich - 3.31 & Alix Bonnamour - 2.83 1 - 0
Dawn Aldrich - 3.31 & Meghan Connolly - 2.70 0 - 1
Jessica Babington - 2.73 & Keri Norcross - 3.33 1 - 0
Lisa Schacher - 3.30 & Kelly Camuti - 2.59 1 - 0
Lisa Schacher - 3.30 & Aleah Wolfe - n/a 1 - 0
Keri Norcross - 3.33 & Meghan Connolly - 2.70 1 - 0
Lesley Crabb - 2.92 & Megan Nordhagen - 3.30 1 - 1